Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioural therapy seeks to help you understand and consciously shape the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.
Fear, anxiety and sadness can cloud your judgement and you can end up beating yourself up (e.g. thinking you are worthless/not worthy of love/a bad person) and acting in unhelpful ways (e.g. avoiding the situation that elicits the negative emotions or continuing the bad behaviour because it’s “who you are”).
By uncovering how cognition, emotion and behaviour is linked, you can make step in and break the negative cycle. With practise, new neural pathways will be created, and positive habits have been formed. CBT is a tool that you can learn and practise after therapy has ended. It’s great for targeting specific issues, but also useful when your therapist help you unpack these previously unconscious links and help you learn about your triggers and form new coping strategies.